CHEFTOS the kitchen help

Cheftos with knifetool

Cheftos with knifetool

Cutting cucumbers like wood

Cutting cucumbers like wood

Need a light ?

Need a light ?

Agitator-tool in action

Agitator-tool in action

Battery low ...

Battery low ...

WIreframe of the tools and robot

WIreframe of the tools and robot

Backpack/ Toolbox texture. Textured with substance painter

Backpack/ Toolbox texture. Textured with substance painter

Cheftos is a praying mantis kitchen robot of the future. With the strength of Kratos and the classiness of a mantis, he´s just the perfect help for every kitchen. His backpack is a toolbox that stores kniefs, hammers, peeler, agitator and even gas cans for flambe.